Perhaps the most significant component
of your shipping solution is the degree to which it
can be easily integrated within your larger enterprise
information environment. CanLogix has the staff and
expertise to facilitate this information exchange,
enabling our clients to attain productivity, efficiency
and accuracy gains within their warehouse operations.
With CanLogix, the integration process is more
involved than moving data from one source to another.
Once we determine your communication protocol of preference,
we take the time to fully understand and document
all of your related and relevant business processes.
Then, we automate these business ‘rules’
within our integrated solution. Lastly, our solution
design approach is very open-architectured. As much
as possible, we enable authorized personnel at our
client sites to manage these rules, shifting the reins
of control back where they belong…in your hands.
Unlike our competition, who strives to drop a ‘product’
into the warehouse environment, we deliver solutions,
designed to meet your logistical requirements.
Whether we access data via an ODBC connection, TCP/IP
socket, FTP, terminal emulation session, serial connection
or ASCII or XML files, CanLogix can easily demonstrate
our capabilities and expertise.
Data is the enabler to drive efficiency within the
warehouse. By sharing this data across the enterprise,
we successfully integrate solutions for the shipping
For more information on CanLogix’s integrated
solutions, please
contact us.